I have stuff to do today. Lots of stuff, actually. But that's true everyday, so sometimes I just have to pretend the list doesn't grow with every unencumbered breath I take and shanghai seven precious seconds of me time. Nine times out of ten, if I've managed to trick myself into taking a few minutes off, I'm going to spend that time reading. The good news is, I'm a fast reader. The bad news is, reading makes me want to write, and who has time for that? Apparently, this girl. I worked hard yesterday, really I did. And I rewarded myself with David Sedaris's new book ( http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780316154697 ) because I can read one paragraph (sometime two if I have the time) and still feel well read and inspired to write. You don't believe me? You don't think David Sedaris, or any author for that matter, could possibly be that good? WRONG. Allow me to demonstrate: "Never would they [David's parents] have blindly defended me or even asked...