Open letters are a thing, right? People like these? Well I hope they do, because I'm doing it. You probably don't remember the first time we met, Terri. But I do. We were looking for the perfect school for our perfect daughter. And we'd been driving a half hour each way to her preschool for the last year, so we had a pretty big radius we were willing to explore within. What were we looking for? This may be the part where we should separate out the we . My husband was undoubtedly looking for the school Ayana could ride the bus to. He did the lion's share of the preschool driving, so we'll give him that. I, on the other hand, was looking for diversity. I had run into some roadblocks getting my kid that sibling that looks like her (which she still wishes for every time she blows out the candles), so it became a priority for me to find a school community that would make her feel like less of a novelty, a token. That's how Sanchez got on my radar. That and th...