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Showing posts from November 11, 2018

And All My Words Come Back to Me

Confession : I'm not big on elaborate bedtime routines. Baths and snuggles and wind-down yoga and twenty-two books and special stuffies and I'm tired just writing this garbage. I love my daughter so much, but I legit do not want to pull an all-nighter with her. I want her to go the F to sleep. Without me reading her that book, though. Let me just channel Jim Gaffigan. [Insert awkward, breathy,  this guy is funny, but maybe so annoying that I don't care voice here]: "You don't read to your child? What kind of monster are  you? Did you know Mrs. Hitler didn't read to her  child, either?!"  Listen, jerks. I like to read to my girl during the daylight hours. When we're both better versions of ourselves and we can work together and have conversations and all that good stuff. And at night I can always be persuaded to read a  book. But just one. And don't think for a moment that I'm offering. Because I'm not. No matter what the Nazi resear...