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Showing posts from February 2, 2014

Nothing Says "I Love You" Like...

...this guy At least that's what I must have thought last year, when I took this picture as an homage to Valentine's Day. Now before you go judging me, I spent that auspicious holiday with two of my very best friends, and neither of them was charmed into my bed with this token of affection. Dummies. Even though his message is lewd and his eyes are a little wonky, I rather appreciate this guy's frank approach to a holiday that has been forever fraught with mixed Hallmark messages and trite platitudes etched into hearts with expiration dates. Somewhat like the grinch, this guy's holiday comes without chocolates, it comes without flowers. It comes without jewelry and cards. But it comes, perhaps,  with cold showers? I mean really. I can't imagine anything, heart or otherwise, growing three sizes at receiving this message. Whatever. It's no big deal to me how people want to mark this day. I, for one, will be in the hospital this year. It doe...