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Showing posts from September 8, 2013

GF Dater Hater

Not every topic in the world is made for blogging, right? I mean, I think we can all agree my rant about spiders was pretty much for me, although I did appreciate the input from my readers. I'm obviously not the only person alive who feels a pretty serious aversion to the creepies and crawlies; I'm just the only one boring enough to write about it. Whatever. A swing and a miss. But here's the thing. I think I've hit on a topic with universal appeal--something everyone  is going to want to read about. I'm sure it's obvious to most of you already just what that topic is; but for the rest of you stragglers... If you have trouble separating out those words to make some kind of sense, lemme help. Gluten Free Singles. Dot Com. Now let me just say something right now. I am the world's BIGGEST fan of the gluten free bandwagoners. I know people are (inexplicably) annoyed by these folks who choose a GF lifestyle; but not me! As a lifelo...

I DO Like Watching Puddles Gather Rain, But This is Getting Absurd

Remember that time you were in high school and you listened to all the really cool music, but when you went to work they had it on the country station because it was the only station in town so you learned all the words to a lot of late 90s country songs? No? Well then you didn't live my life. Either that, or you don't care for run on sentences the way I do. Whatever. Obviously this is a story about me, so don't worry about it.  So there I was, filing insurance claims, answering phones, and wishing this one-horse town would get a second horse and, just maybe, a rock station. Well as my mother always said, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. In this case, the beggars got all the horses they could handle (most of them are tied up in front yards on Central Avenue). But no dice on that radio station. I could be wrong, but I believe even the one from my high school years is now a thing of the past. It's taking me too long to get to my point. What I'...