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Showing posts from June 21, 2015

Hallmark Celebrates Forever Families. And By Hallmark, I Mean Me.

Here's a fun story for you: it's Father's Day morning and I've done nothing to celebrate Eric's dad-ness. I have not forced Ayana to make any crafts, I have not purchased any cards, I have not put a tool or a tie in a bag and pretended his daughter chose it specially for him. I haven't even cooked breakfast because, well, I also haven't shopped in weeks and unless breakfast is a stale hot dog bun and some radishes, we're probably going to have to go out. Is this the kind of wife I am? Does this lack of dedication to the holiday say something about how I feel about Eric as a dad or about Hallmark holidays? Nope. It really just says that this week was finals week. And we closed on our house on Friday. And I have a full-time job. And I've torn out a lot of carpet. And I have a broken toe. That last one may not be relevant, but I was on a roll with my whining, and this was as good a place as any to cry a little about my poor toe. Point is...