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Showing posts from December 17, 2017

A Christmas Crime

If you were thinking this was going to be one of those cute year-end posts with lots of pictures, you were mistaken. No pictures! And that's really on you because who would title that A Christmas Crime? This post is legit about a crime I just committed. A crime for which I should probably be sorry but I am definitely not. It was totally worth it. I'd leave you hanging and let you guess the nature of my nefarious deeds; but that seems entirely unnecessary. I'll just tell you right now it was the federal crime of tampering with someone's mail. Although I didn't so much tamper as I did open. And relish. Do you suppose open and relish are covered under the umbrella verb, tamper? And do you also suppose it's not technically a crime if the mail rightfully came to my address? Maybe someone with a deep knowledge of postal law could help me out here. What kind of time am I looking at doing for opening a Christmas card that was meant for the former owners of our home?...