And they were all from a western culture, one that prefers not to be too loud, too much trouble, or too exposed. Already they'd given me quite the eye when we talked about writing from the heart of your own emotions. "I don't express myself personally in my work," one of them told me. "I just don't do that." excerpt from Saving Eagle Mitch by Barbara Chepaitis Ok, so the first thing I really want to say here is, read Saving Eagle Mitch by Barbara Chepaitis. I haven't done any book reviews on this blog (yet), and this isn't a book review. But if it was, I'd tell you this is a must read for a weary soul. A must read for those who complain about the powers that be, but have never considered taking action. A must read for people lovers and animal lovers and book lovers. A must read for readers of my blog, because there's going to be a quiz next week. Now here's a confession that's going to make my recommendation susp...