WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS CLASSIFIED MATERIAL. [THE CLASSIFIED PART IS THAT I TOTALLY LOVE THE X FILES, AND I'D LIKE TO KEEP THAT BETWEEN YOU AND ME.] I'm not going to lie to you, folks. You read the warning; I'm an abashed (according to my spell check, yes, you can be abashed) X Files fan. I want to tell you it's because the only person hotter than Gillian Anderson is David Duchovny (true), but I'd probably be a fan of the show if Mulder was played by Richard Belzer, and Gillian was replaced by Paula Deen. Ok. Probably not Paula Deen. But you get the point. I like the show even more than I want to marry the cast. Now if you've ever spent time with me, you've also spent time with my brother, and you know we quote and discuss certain television shows as though they have some actual value in our lives. And in a slightly drunken moment, we would (and did, last weekend) argue that, in fact, they do. I can't relate the conversation word for word. Most...