You can just shut your mouth right now about how long it's been since I've written a blog post, OK? You and I both know (after reading the title of this post) that I'm getting married. Soon. Like next weekend soon. So yeah, I've been busy. That's a pretty combative way for a thank you note to start, isn't it? Maybe we should try again. Hey, you. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. That's true, but it feels lame. It feels not enough. It feels empty and rote. So let's try again. Hey, you. Remember that time, like almost 10 years ago, when I got married? Remember how you were there and you were happy for me and your support and your gifts meant the world to me? Yeah. I remember that too. And I just want to say I'm sorry I squandered your well wishes and your time on a man who just wasn't the right one. I'm sorry I couldn't inject your love into a relationship in which love was never an option. I w...