It's like this, readers: I have a dirty little preference that, if admitted in certain circles, nets me some real flack. Given the choice between a book and a kindle app, I'm Team Kindle. Yikes. I feel like I've already lost you. Except for that thing where you're actually reading my words on some hideous electronic device. So I guess your opposition is contained—sure it's fine to read on a device. Just not read a lot. Unless it's a lot of Facebook status updates or comments on MSN articles or Buzzfeed lists. Then it's fine. But not books, OK? Books don't belong on devices! Yeah, this is one of those topics that people are weirdly passionate about. So today, Kylee and I (who are mercifully on opposite sides of this debate) have decided to fight it out. Because I'm gracious, and because this is my blog and I can do what I want, I'm going to let Kylee have the first word. But then I'm going to trounce her because she's wrong. KYLEE:...