So...who's tired of all those pictures of ladies at the march on Saturday?! I mean seriously, why does my precious facebook feed have to be inundated with all this empowerment bullshit? I'm a lady, and I am empowered. And my experience speaks for us all, so if you could kindly shut up that would make me a lot more comfortable. Hey there, choir :) Anybody out there feeling a little deflated by that crummy feedback? Or maybe you're not deflated, but you're sure wondering what you could possibly say that would be peaceful, but also somehow stuff those jerks' red hats down their yappy maws? too. Last weekend I took a non-violence training to prep for any possible rowdiness at this weekend's event or any other I may bring Ayana to, and I learned something that changed my brains. I learned that my goal (in situations like a rally gone rowdy) should be to remain safe. I know that's a total duh for some of you, but not for this rabble rouser! My goa...