Living in Colorado, it's hard to imagine how the saying making a mountain out of a molehill really took off. While we're pretty solid on the concept of mountain, do any of my neighbors even know what a molehill looks like? They couldn't possibly. Whether they've seen one or not, I guess we all know the saying presumes that a molehill is insignificant. It's basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. Or in the grand scheme of yards, as the case may be. But I grew up in Kansas, and if you'd have introduced me to the saying back then I'd have been utterly unable to wrest the true meaning from it. Why? Because molehills were a big freaking deal at my house. That's why. The various traps my dad set for them were the stuff of nightmares. And even when he briefly abandoned the springs and spikes for seemingly innocuous wads of Juicy Fruit, you somehow knew the moles were in no less trouble. So while I now understand the molehills in the sayin...