It may go without saying that B.J. Novak is a damn genius. But let's go ahead and say it anyway. Because I already did. In concert with some other brilliant minds of our time, Novak (are you reading his short stories, people? He's so good!) has come up with an app that truly ought to curl my toes. Curl them right up like whichever wicked witch got smooshed by a house. The List App I hate lists. Like super duper hate them. Know why? Because they're always about stuff I have to do. Or stuff Eric hasn't done. Or stuff that won't buy itself or appointments that won't be canceled. Yuck! But The List App has taken that ugly reality and turned it on its head. It exists for the fun of lists. The fun of lists? What could that possibly be, you ask. Um, get on The List App and check it out for yourself. Mostly, all I've done on there so far is followed some people (B.J. Novak) and started a list I haven't finished. Also I've written this post, which...