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Showing posts from May 12, 2013

Burying the Lead

Today's Headline: [My] Baby Charms Starbucks by Ordering Soy Decaf Latte I'm not really sure there's an article here. It's just that it's only 9:17 and pretty much all that's happened today is Ayana ordering and drinking her usual at the Bucks--a Soy Decaf Latte. A few people usually think that's pretty cute, but today it was like the whole coffee shop wanted to throw a parade in her honor. She drank it all without spilling any on herself, and that  almost is a headline. This Week's Headline: Warrior Way on Lockdown for 12 Hours There is  an article here. There's a lot of them, actually, so I'm not going to reinvent the wheel. Type Centaurus High School in to Google or Bing or that ancient search engine with the dog--remember that?--and you'll read about a boy and his bomb. This boy and this bomb, unfortunately, turned up at the high school seven feet from my house on Monday. No students were hurt, the boy is in custody, and...