Have you ever had a friend who makes you feel old? The one whose face registers confusion when you ask if she tore out the Haim or the Feldman poster from her Teen Bop. Apparently, she's a Team Edward, and that makes no sense to you. In your world, vampires sleep all day, party all night, never grow old, never die. In her world, they sparkle. In her world, Facebook is for old people. If you're not tweeting, you've got a foot in the grave. In her world, the drum solo in Coming in the Air Tonight isn't a religious experience. In fact, it isn't even a thing at all. In her world, Alanis Morissette doesn't actually exist. And she has a degree in gender studies (or something related). How is that even possible?! Well, my dear friend who makes me feel old (you know who you are and you know I LOVE you), you're welcome for making you listen to Jagged Little Pill (twice) a few months ago. You're welcome for making you a little older that night. You're ...