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I Might Have Grown Up in the Bible Belt, But Evolution is Obviously a Thing

"Evolution?" you say. "That seems like a bit of a touchy subject with which to reinvigorate your short-lived blog," you say.

To which I respond, "When did your grammar get so good? Your avoidance of ending that sentence in a preposition was masterful."

But you're right, of course. I didn't start blogging (see those THREE posts I wrote nearly a year ago) to stir up pots. I started blogging to, um, listen to myself talk in a whole new forum. The fact that some of you out there also listened was a delightful development. Not delightful enough to keep me blogging, evidently. And for that I apologize.

In truth, if not for evolution, my life as a blogger would likely have been over for good. Two-year-olds generate an alarming amount of work, as do college students. Whatever worms of time I don't chew and feed to those greedy birds, I try to spend cutting my nails (sometimes I can even get a whole hand done in one sitting), unloading the dishwasher, or breathing.

As satisfying as those activities sound, I sometimes crave more. It is during these times I contact my pal Ricka. We communicate in all the ways--text, phone, Skype, email, Facebook. We even have a joint board on Pinterest, and a thriving letter writing campaign (actual stamps on actual envelopes sent via Pony Express). 

You're probably thinking, "You two must have a whole dang lot to talk about!" Whether or not that's true isn't the point. The point is, we talk. And all that talk generates thoughts. Some of them are useless. Some are downright ridiculous. Most are awesome on one plane or another. Then there are the thoughts that are brilliant--the ones we promise to needlepoint on pillows (although neither of us needlepoint, and I'll admit right now I don't even know what the activity entails).

You've probably already figured out that evolution was the topic of one of these brilliant conversations, but did you know it was so brilliant we made it our joint New Year's Resolution? You can decide for yourself what it really means to evolve as a person, but for me, it is an all-encompassing endeavor that eventually led to dusting off the old blog and writing this post. To be followed by more posts (more than three, I hope). I already have a list of possible topics, which I'll entice you with now:

Social media restraining orders?
A list of things that have seen me naked
Original sentences (these are always hilarious)
Picture log of my trip to the world's biggest rocking chair
Lengthy review of [insert book only I would read]
Letters from grandma

Ricka also started a blog--one that will actually have something to do with evolving. Please go read it too, at I hope you note that we have such great conversations because we're really different people. Her voice is unique and genuine--a nice break from my harpy musings :) Follow us both and join us in our endeavors to evolve--even if you're from the Midwest. I'm sure even G-d is cool with what we're up to. No monkey business at all...


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